April Church RolesAPRIL’S CHAIR OF MEETING: Kevin Marois (Please see him if you have any announcements to be made during service).
Easter ServiceSunday, Apr 9. Folks at The Manor will join us on Zoom. A BLESSED & HAPPY EASTER to all!
March RollsMARCH’S CHAIR OF MEETING: Andrew Hills (Please see him if you have any announcement that has to be made during service). OT BOOK...
February RolesFEBRUARY’S CHAIR OF MEETING: Kevin Marois (Please see him if You have any announcement that has to be made during service).
January RolesJANUARY CHAIR OF MEETING: Andrew Hills (Please see him if you have any announcements to be made during service).
December RolesDECEMBER’S CHAIR OF MEETING: Kevin Marois (Please see him if You have any announcement that has to be made during service).
November RolesNOVEMBER’S CHAIR OF MEETING: Andrew Hills (Please see him if you have any announcement that has to be made during service).